Fantasy Music 2

5’43” 1982

For Harpsichord (piano as alternate) and pre-recorded computer sound

Composed for Joyce Lindorff. Computer accompaniment on tape. It was premiered about 1983 and has since been performed by Herman Weiss (piano) and Peter Skyes. This piece was revived in January 2006 at the American Acadeny in Rome, with Joyce Lindorff.  Since then it has also been used as incidental music in Ellen Maddow's play Panic! Euphoria! Blackout! which ran over October 2010 at the HERE Arts Center in New York.

...Showed that a harpsichord can often mate with electronics better than a piano can -- an attractive, shapely, atmospheric piece - The Boston Globe.

...A piano and some computer-generated sound going at each other in a mocking, histrionic fashion; it wasn't your polite essay in timbral similarities and overlaps. It sounded like a fantasy

This performance is from around 1990 and features Peter Sykes on harpsichord.

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