Challenger: Symphony
13’ 2003-2023
Piccolo / 2 Flutes / 2 Oboes / English Horn / 2 Clarinets / Bass Clarinet / 3 Bassoons
4 Horns / 3 Trumpets / 2 Trombones / Tuba
Harp / Celeste / Piano / Mallets / Timpani / 2 Percussion
This symphony is dark and dramatic, with a number of aleatoric passages. It won a call for scores by the New England Philharmonic and premiered under the baton of Richard Pittman. It has recently had a number of corrections and revisions and is presented here with a high-quality render in its newest form.
Challenger now bears a dedication to Richard Pittman.
If you’re interested, you can request a score at the bottom of this page
This piece is also presented in binaural form, generated from a Dolby Atmos mix.
This revised version has not yet received a performance, so this is a synthetic rendering
Complete Piece