Acellorimba for Cello and Marimba
8’10” 1985
For cello and marimba
This is an unlikely combination of instruments. In this single movement, they begin by arguing with harsh jabs. But they eventually find common ground in a motoric passage with a not-quite marimba ostinato underlying soaring lyricism in the cello. There’s another falling out, another making-up, and a musical fist-fight to end it.
If you’re interested, you can request a score at the bottom of this page
There are two performances available here:
The premiere performance from 1985 (Karen Kaderavek on cello and Nancy Zeltsman on Marimba).
A 2023 performance with Karen Kaderavek again and Sebastian Buhts on Marimba.
Premiere Performance
2023 Perfomance
Video of 2023 performance